Our last meeting was on Sept 19, 2015
14 members attended, and we had one new member join
Leadership 2016
Shelley Brooks has volunteered to be on the Nomination Committee (we could use one more person) Please email her with any nominations for leadership 2016
You can nominate yourself, or any other member. If you nominate another member, the person you nominated will be contacted to let them know. All current members in leadership positions need to be re-nominated. The guild needs at least 3 members on the board.
President - presides over general and special meetings, the board meetings, attend and lead meetings, appoints committee chairpersons (these are volunteer positions), make announcements, other various duties.
Vice- President - in absence of President lead meetings, attend meetings, special meetings, and board meetings. Update Blog and FB pages
Secretary - Keep minutes, conduct correspondence for the guild, update FB and Blog pages. Track membership, add new members to MQG site.
Treasurer - receive and bank all guild monies, maintain bookkeeping on all funds, disperse funds as authorized, prepare financial reports.
Voting will take place at the Nov 21 meeting.
Oct 19 Meeting
Secret Pal reveal
ALS Hopes and Dreams Charity quilts due at meeting (we hope all members will donate at least one quilt
Disperse prizes from our guild winnings of the 2015 Hopes and Dreams
Nominations for leadership positions
Show and Tell
Balances due for the Sewing Retreat