May 19, 2018
Members: 13
Guests: 2
Meeting Notes / Announcements
● Jana welcomed everyone to the meeting, including two visitors
● Birthdays
o May gifts presented
o June makers volunteered
● Program – Mary discussed how to do facing in place on binding on a quilt
● Jana passed out bits of paper
o Everyone recorded their name, what they are good at and what they would like to learn and turned in to Jana.
● Block lottery winner chosen
● WIP Challenge sign-ups
o Sign-ups are this month and next month
o Email your 3 WIPs to Jana, Chen, Kathy, Mary (any or all officers)
o Bring $5 next month
● Beach bag swap
● Show and Tell
● Karie, aka karie_twokwikquilters, will be in town the 1stweekend in September. She’ll be doing a trunk show for us on Friday evening, location TBD.
● Red Wing Park Meeting
o Discussion regarding our August meeting at Red Wing Park. Motion was put forth to change the park meeting to September. Members voted and motion was accepted to change the meeting from August to September.
● Group Challenge Ideas
o Last year’s challenge was the Paint Chip Challenge, we discussed ideas for this year. We’ll further discuss next month.
June Agenda
● Left-Right-Center
o Bring Alison Glass fat quarters – up to 3
● WIP Challenge
o Sign-ups continue
o Bring $5
o List WIPs if you haven’t already provided them
● Block Lottery
o Make Disappearing Pinwheel blocks, per the tutorial
o White background with a bright
● Swap
o Hexies
▪ Bring 6 sets of 6 (36 total), 1 inch finished, hexies in solid colors.
▪ Each set of 6 should be the same color
Meeting adjourned at 12:30 pm.
Recorded and Submitted by:
Kathy Poston